Day Thirteen // Under Construction

When I was younger, my dad would always take me to construction sites. One time, he took me out of class to show me the new cafeteria he was building at my school. I thought I was so cool that day. It always amazed me to see the progression of a construction project. Most times, it would start with just an empty plot of land. Then after a lot of work, it would slowly turn into a massive building. After hearing my dad talk about construction all my life, I have learned that construction is a process. Nothing gets built in a day. I believe this is the same for our lives. Today, you may be looking at an empty plot of land. You may be wishing that it was already an impressive building, but wishing doesn’t get you anywhere without work. Don’t be discouraged that you haven’t started. Don’t be discouraged that it’s taking you longer to reach your goals than you anticipated. You are a work in progress. You are under construction! It can get frustrating to think about all the work that is left to be done in your life. Just like any construction project, take it one step at a time. If you take a small step and stick to the process, then you will be amazed at what you can build. Your marriage, your book, your dream job, your future home, your relationship with your siblings, your biggest goals are under construction. Don’t get weary of working and building. There will be a day when you look at the completed construction project and feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. Keep building!

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